Tuesday 15 July 2014

All about "Aegean cat"

The Aegean Cat is intelligent and a very capable predator. Due to this they are mostly used as pest control in rural areas. Aegean Cats share a very good relationship with humans and make good pets. They are very social and communicate well with others. These cats have a very lively nature that easily draws the attention of others. They have strong legs and grasping claws. 

APPEARANCE : This breed is a medium sized cat with an athletic structure, muscular frame with a long tail and body. Its tail is of medium length, rounded, with no kinks or knots. The head is broad and ears are widely set on it. Its eyes are oriental in their shape with a color often in shades of green. The legs are strong and its paws rounded. Aegean Cat is a medium sized feline with a predominantly white coat. There are other colors too including red, blue, cream and black, though a third to two thirds of the fur is white. 

A predominantly white cat, it is bi-colored or tri-colored, with one of any variety of colors and patterns combined with the dominant white shade. Though less profuse than those of Turkish Angora, hair are longish that protect it against cold winter, with a ruff around neck. There are no down hair. 

Built is athletic and muscular and the cat is known to be a good mouse hunter, a source of its admiration, particularly in rural areas. Body and tail are long. Head is broad and ears are widely set on the skull. Eyes are oriental in their shape with a color often in shades of green. 

Legs are strong and paws rounded. Their nose is medium sized and they have a small chin. Aegean's are very cute looking. Aegean cat has a broad head and a big face.

PERSONALITY : Apart from its beauty, the Aegean Cat is a very admirable animal. It makes a good pet and is quite comfortable residing in apartments.  Also it is considered to be a social, lively and communicative feline. The Aegeans are very good natured and intelligent at the same time. They prove to be great companions. 

The Aegean cat is good to children and also adjustable to other pets. They do not like strangers but they are never aggressive. Aegean's love to draw the attention of human beings towards themselves and are very friendly towards all. The female Aegean cats are wonderful mothers. They love and care for their kittens, and they never abandon them.

They love to stay with the family and you should never leave the Aegean alone for a long time. In such circumstance they may become frustrated and that may lead to destruction. Aegean's are very much obedient and listen to their master’s commands. They are very much suitable for the household and are able to mix well with the family members. 

There’s one thing that Aegean cat really loves and it’s the sea. You can meet him in the port, asking for fish or you can see him hunting for it on his own. Those cats are independent and perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. 

HEALTH : The Aegean cat is considered to be a healthy cat; while all cat breeds can potentially develop health problems this breed is known to have very few genetic health issues. There are no known health issues specific to this cat breed but be sure to regularly consult a veterinarian for routine care and medical advice for your four-legged friend :)

CARE : The Aegean cat is a very active pet, so it should definitely be given an opportunity to play and  be regularly walked. It is also important to take good care of the hair, to regularly comb it and use  a special bathing shampoo. 

Thick, smooth, shiny and soft hair without any tangles indicate a good health of an Aegean. They need,  weekly brushing of hair, which is for their fur to be more resistant to weather and also for healthier hair. During the winter season, their coat and fur will need extensive care. 

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